Ground Level Ministries
Ground Level Ministries6 days ago
The Rise of the Antichrist
Nothing in life just happens all of a sudden, and things are happening at a pace never seeing before.
Most things are planned and develop over a long long time.
The entire program of the Antichrist has been doing just that from the beginning of time. He has slowly but surely been building his strategy and his destructive plans and choosing specific people to carry them out from as far back as The Garden of Eden. the time is now for the church to develop the gift of discernment let's look at what the Apostle John had to say;
1Jn 2:18 Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.

The year of 2025 has ushered in a complete new era and the world will never be the same again! The platform has been set for the antichrist to operate from.
Please be a minister of The Word and share this super important message with your friends and please like and follow if you are not yet part of the Ground Level family.
God Bless you –Pastor Peter Diesel-Reynolds.
#churchonline #walkbyfaith #antichrist #biblestudy
Ground Level Ministries
Ground Level Ministries
Ground Level Ministries4 weeks ago
2025 A Year of Discernment, Deeds & Deception

25 is quite a significant number according to authentic Hebrew tradition and numerology. It has a striking definition;

“Restoration, New Beginnings and Spiritual Accountability”

That is such an accurate mission statement for what the church will face this year, especially the need for discernment and Accountability.

In Matthew chapter 24 when the disciples asked Jesus to tell them what to look for to recognise the end times the first thing Jesus said was “see that no one deceives you!”

Ten again in chapter 24 vs 11 He warns us that “Many false prophets will lead many astray.” This calls for a time when we need to operate in the gift of Discernment!

It is sad that so many churches are getting themselves into the news for all the wrong reasons. The true bride of Christ is moving into a time when we can no longer be silent of shy about what we believe. For to long we have kept our faith out of the town square and all it has done is to empower evil and let the enemy make the world believe that what was good is now evil and what was evil is now good.

This message will encourage and empower you to face the challenges that will arise in 25 and help you to operate in the power of God and have victory in a time of storms.

Please be a minister and help us spread this much needed message to and share with all your friends. God bless you as you listen – Pastor Peter Diesel-Reynolds.
Ground Level Ministries
Ground Level Ministries
Ground Level Ministries1 month ago
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎

Jameel Crist, Andrew Lewis, Joel Vissampalli, Ajay Athwal, Younas Masih, Evenglist Rida, Jannat Masih, Khalil Jutt, Jashwa Jutt, Adarsh Kumar

Drop a comment to welcome them to our community, @top fans
Ground Level Ministries
Ground Level Ministries1 month ago
You are the Light in a Dark World
It’s no secret to anyone in any nation that the world is getting darker and darker and evil is not only on the increase, but it is becoming the norm.
In Matthew 24 Jesus tells us a lot of things that will take place at this time and the only hope for those in darkness is the true Church of Jesus.
Let’s go back to Matthew 5 vs 13-14 we are told that we are salt as well as light and if the salt losses it’s saltiness it becomes useless. Simply put If we loose the anointing and power of the Spirit we are of no use at all.
This message is a must for anyone who has a genuine passion and desire to be effective for the Kingdom. Please be a minister and help us share this message with all your friends. God Bless you as you listen – Pastor Peter Diesel0-Reynolds
#churchonline #propheticword #walkbyfaith #groundlevel
Ground Level Ministries
Ground Level Ministries
Ground Level Ministries2 months ago
May the blessing of the Christ child become the blessing of love, peace and salvation to you and your family.
Ground Level Ministries
Ground Level Ministries2 months ago
What an Amazing God we serve!

A God with such infinite detail yet so open and obvious with His love and Grace. Take a minute o think. Why did God choose to share the most amazing and impactful news with a group of Shepherds?

The design is in the detail.

Check this out, please give it a fact check. The area that they were in was well known for producing perfect sheep and quality lambs. So, it was common for rabbis to go there to select perfect un-blemished lambs for sacrifice. In order to protect them further it was common practice to wrap hem in “swaddling wraps or clothes”, It would inly be a bunch of shepherds who would understand this concept completely.

There is so much more in this message that just cannot be said here, you just have to watch to the end. You are going to be totally amazed at your God and Saviour. Please be a minister especially with this special Christmas message I send you and your families God’s richest blessings for this special time. God Bless you – Pastor Peter Diesel-Reynolds.
Ground Level Ministries